“Social Housing is only for the poor” – revealing, unpleasant, counterproductive

I drafted this piece just before George Osborne’s recent budget (you can see my piece on that at http://www.cwuyouth.org/view-blog.html?blog_id=417 ). Then other stuff got in the way and it languished on my laptop for a bit.  But housing is an issue that never goes away, and the Price Waterhouse report, published yesterday (and reported at … Continue reading “Social Housing is only for the poor” – revealing, unpleasant, counterproductive

The Trade Union Bill: Be Careful What You Wish For

The Trade Union Bill and the iron law of unintended consequences Let’s give credit where it is due. And the hype is true. The government’s new Trade Union Bill is the most significant piece of trade union legislation in a generation; perhaps even longer than that, because it goes further, wider and deeper than anything … Continue reading The Trade Union Bill: Be Careful What You Wish For